About Julie Kendrick
Julie Kendrick started her career as a journalist with a daily newspaper in the Chicago area before becoming executive director of a scientific and engineering professional society and managing editor of its peer-reviewed journal. After leaving that position, she turned her attention to her first love: writing. Julie has published two mystery novels and is working on a third. She is a member of the Barrington (Illinois) Writers Workshop and has served as a panelist on author forums.
Julie is also an outdoor photographer and principal of Kendrick Photographic Imagery, and travels extensively, including several weeks “Pole to Pole” from Greenland to Antarctica. She has mounted gallery exhibits of her work as an invited artist, and although she remains an avid photographer, she has turned her skills to helping others to restore beloved photos that have been damaged or faded over time.
In her spare time (and surprisingly, there is some!), she sings with the Melodeers, seven-time International Champion Chorus of Sweet Adelines International—a worldwide a cappella barbershop harmony singing organization for women. She is a Past International President of Sweet Adelines International and Founder of its Young Singers Foundation.